Fun Facts about Front end


By srabon

React was developed by Facebook and was first deployed on Facebook's newsfeed in 2011.

React is often referred to as a 'library' rather than a 'framework' because it focuses on the UI component layer and doesn't provide a full application structure.

React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to efficiently update and render components, resulting in improved performance.

React Native, a framework for building mobile applications, is based on React and allows developers to write native mobile apps using JavaScript.

React's component-based architecture promotes reusability and modularity, making it easier to maintain and scale applications.

31st June, 2022
Reading time
1 minutes

By srabon

Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework developed by Evan You, a former Google employee, and was first released in 2014.

Vue's syntax and structure are highly intuitive and easy to understand, making it a popular choice for developers, especially those new to JavaScript frameworks.

Vue provides a powerful reactivity system, allowing developers to declaratively define data dependencies and automatically update the DOM when the data changes.

Vue offers a flexible component-based architecture, allowing developers to reuse and compose components in a modular fashion.

Vue's ecosystem includes a wide range of official and community-contributed libraries and tools, making it easy to extend and enhance Vue applications.

31st June, 2022
Reading time
1 minutes

By srabon

Angular is a complete front-end development platform developed by Google.

It was initially released as AngularJS in 2010, but the current version, Angular 12, is a complete rewrite known simply as Angular.

Angular uses TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, to enhance code maintainability, readability, and productivity.

Angular's powerful CLI (Command Line Interface) provides developers with numerous tools and commands to streamline development tasks.

Angular has a robust dependency injection system built-in, allowing components to easily manage their dependencies and promote testability.

31st June, 2022
Reading time
1 minutes