I've been working on several projects , not all of them are public and some of them are private. To see my public repo please visit my github profile.
A fruitshop ecommrce store where an user can buy freshfruit from the seller.
CMS blog
A blog site developed as Dev.to using React, Node , Express to post blogs and articles like blogsite.
Face attendance app
pythonopencvflasknumpytensorflowsqlitebootstrapreact native
A face recognition attendance system app using a smartphone camera. Generate attendance in pdf file with student id which is extracted from the input img.
Blooming Dale
The basic functionality of this web application is to keep track of the product in a warehouse.I have created this functionality in this app.
Entropy Lab
Entropy lab is a web application for selling lab equipment of an individual manufacturer where the owner can sell their product online.There is an admin panel & User Authentication.